
My Second Impression of the USA

    My Second Impression of the USA

    My first impression of the US is not good,but gradually, my impression of it was transformed as I have been traveling and visiting the eastern part of the US, and seeing wonderful natural and artificial sceneries of it, and the beautiful campus of Yale University.
    On the first day of our arrival the trash along the highways leading to the hotel  outside the minibus made me quite disappointed. I had been told that the USA is quite clean. The driver explained that  it was all because the American Chinese throw rubbish everywhere.
    But visits in the following days made me quited excited and admire the people living here. There are meadows dotted with trees, forests, lakes surrounded by trees along the highways, and beautiful houses surrounded by meadows and severaal large trees. The sky was full of clouds in large shapes and the horizon was dotted with cloud masses. There must be little air pollution. So the sky was so beautiful with hugh masses of white clouds that seemed just above our head.

     I believe people living in such pleasant surroundings must have enjoyed a happy, tranquil and healthy life.
    The Niagara Falls excited me most with their wide falls and snowlike mist.
    The water that constitute the constant falls made me wonder where this strong water flow come, and worship the Creator whole-heartedly.
    The trip back to New York made me aware of the life of the American Chinese better. The cheap fruits sold at stalls and shops really impressed me and my colleagues very much.
    The Yale campus impressed me most with its fantastic architectural designs. Red buildings with white frames, triangular rooftops, bright yellow and light brown stone walls, ornamented arch doors and rows of arches in the corridors, the decorative designs in it. I fell n love with it the moment I entered it.
    Our warm-hearted teachers Carrie and Siggy showed us around the campus at noon on the second day of our arrival, and explained the different statues on the doors of the Sterling Law School, which aroused my curiosity about the features and meanings of the architectural designs of Yale and made me develop more interest in the buildings.
    In a word America is a beautiful country and the Yale campus is a wonderful place to study in.

